...the fact that college towns like mine have absolutely nothing on college towns like yours?!
SomeCity, SomeState USA is home to what...a little over a million people, combined metro and city populations. It's the 30-something largest city in the United States and is apparently the largest city in SomeState, USA. I don't know if I believe this because when I head up to visit OtherCity, SomeState two hours away I definitely feel like there are way more people there than here.
That aside, summer for college towns means ZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZz. But for a college student who actually lives in their college town, summer really means the death of a social life. For a college student who is not 21 yet and lives in their college town, summer can be likened to the moment Draco Malfoy had to try and kill Dumbledore: horrifying, terrifying, and possibly the end of all shreds of innocence you used to hold on to.
Yep, I just threw an HP ref in there.
What is there to do in the summer? Well, for fun places like Austin, TX or New Orleans, LA I think they call it...hm, what's that word I'm looking for? Oh, yes FUN. There are fun things to do in places like that where they may be down in numbers on college students but have managed to create a day and night life that will survive without said students. There are maybe three notable clubs here and a slew of bars downtown and in and around the college campus. But let us really repeat the key ingredient to this dismal lack of a life - I AM NOT TWENTY-ONE. Not only am I not twenty one, but I am in possession of something most kids my age are not - a conscience.
Where does this conscience come from? Part of it is that I'm Christian (and I can practically feel the Bible giving me a stout side-eye whenever I stray) and the other part of it is that I am naturally a goody-two-shoes. I can't help it!!! This conscience makes it hard for me to do things that are not exactly legal. Although everyone's done their share of nonsense (hello? freshman year at college? you're supposed to gain that freshman fifteen through sheer alcohol drinking ALONE), but I just am not inclined to go all out! This also makes it difficult for me to obtain a fake because I'm way too lazy to do it now that I'm only six months from freedom and I'd probably not be any good at pretending I'm twenty-one. I can imagine it now...
"Miss? It says here you're 5'8 when you're clearly over 6'0 feet in heels."
"stutter stutter mumble Ahem-"
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"These are...uh...5 inch heels so it makes sense that I'm over 6'0 feet, Mr. Bouncer...err...sir."
"It also looks like you're Caucasian and blonde in this picture ID."
"...wait...it does?!"
Smh. Too much drama. I would like to keep my record squeaky freakin' clean, thank ya very much!
Just about the only things to look forward to are 1) great movies and 2) great food. The first depends on what you like and the second is a product of us being so close to the border. Some of the absolute best places to eat are the tiny super local places where everything on the menu is less than four bucks! God knows many a night after a party during the school year, that Mexican food does me RIGHT.
Anything beyond great movies or great food is either to expensive or too time-consuming to make happen.
dreaming big dreams while I achieve little ones. lover. singer. writer. speaker. God's little girl.
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